An absolute amazing splash of colorful Great Dane babies. At Allen’s Ridge Ranch, we have gone that far most mile to bring you only the GREATEST OF DANES. We have studied genetics for over 15 years to achieve top health, conformation, temperament, intelligence color and true beauty.
And all of this can be yours. Please email, Facebook, or message us for information on specific babies.
We are so pleased to introduce our newest fur family members born here on the ranch. They are what many Great Dane breeders have been striving to achieve over the past several years..
Combining science and love for perfection
We breed very carefully for health, conformation, good temperament, confidence, and color. All of our Great Danes are AKC registered. The time period from 3-16 weeks is time that breeders and the new family can greatly influence many very important qualities about who the puppy will become. They need to be gently nurtured to learn in a positive, sometimes mildly stressful structured learning environment. This helps to build early confidence. Exposure to various smells, touch, sound, textures, toys, and other animals, are all important in playtime.
Puppies cannot see or hear for 2 to 3 weeks. Their sense of smell is the means of survival. Smell and touch are so, so important. We also provide them with Early Neurological Stimulation (ENT) on days 3-16. This is the point in the pups life for rapid neurological development. These are 5 brief exercises researched and developed by the military to train their military support dogs. This program enhances the immune system, gives them a lifelong better stress reaction, and overall better health. It is endorsed by the AKC. We are certified members of Good Dog, a highly respected organization who holds breeders to the next standard of excellence in breeding practices.
Great Danes are extremely intelligent and you find that you talk to them just as you would a human. We encourage our families to enroll their new family member in puppy training classes. It is important for them to be socialized as a puppy and to have continued structured learning experiences after they leave our facility. This will encourage them love people and you will find that they have amazing instincts with a desire to please. A few months ago one of our dane families ( they have 2) shared that their danes saved a young teen who was home alone from a home invasion. We have a family who have abused foster twins who have night terrors. The dane knows before they start and lay on the child to help them feel secure. So amazing. We also have one of our puppies who has won many canine police awards for detection.... I have tons of pics oh danes with their children. The kids can literally do anything to those danes. Totally dedicated to family! They love to run and play. But spend a great majority of time sleeping and are quite the couch potato’s as adults. And there is no greater enjoyment than taking them on family outings!
All of our Breeders are AKC registered and Sires are AKC DNA registered.
Prior to breeding our danes are vetted, and several have been health tested.
Most of our danes are genetic color tested.

Get in touch.
We are experienced professionals passionate about breeding lovable Great Danes, Silver Gray Alpacas, prized Friesian sport horses, and Irish Dexter Cattle through selected genetics and training. We look forward to hearing from you.